Sunday, March 6, 2011


I am posting this one again because the last entry was to hard to read. I do apologize.

Who would of thought I would make it?
Who would think that something this good would happen to me?
Who out there would conceive me ending up like this?
...right here
...right now such comfort, luxury, style

Who in their right mind would ever believe me if I told them I am going to be and am
 living in a foreign country sporadically, giving medical attention, curing pains and illnesses through our Lord Jesus Christ, teaching math, teaching English, even teaching some science, taking care of children, reading to kids, putting on dramas, writing books, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ-saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, singing, making arts and crafts in the rooms with kids, etc., visiting other parts of the world doing the same things, writing letters to all kids who I meet and get close with, getting published in magazines and books, winning the Nobel/Pulitzer Prize, going on trips, being a voice for a cartoon movie, taking a trip to and around the Grand Canyon in a hot air balloon, give a large sum of money to El-Bethel Assembly, buy my mom a new truck and house, swim with the dolphins in the ocean, be a famous photographer, be a famous painter, do some modeling, modeling with clay, able to make a dying child's last wish come true, specialize in many different things including: animal, health, massage therapy, chemistry, Anatomy & Physiology, nails, cooking, and the Bible, an owner of a big collection of pens, married to a wonderful Christian man that I love and have 3 kids with-2 of them being twins, an inventor of something, able to say that I went to New York and ice skated in central Park on Christmas Eve with my husband or boyfriend and the only thing in the midst of the air and on people's minds is love (not fornication or, honest, pure love), majored in math, writing a book that's noted inside that people do not have to cite it in parentheses, be a bridesmaid at my sisters, mothers', brothers', and friends wedding, see all my friends and family get saved, sing a duet with venus at El-Bethel Assembly, speak at Acquire the Fire, go to Teen Mania Honor Academy, go paint-balling, go sky-diving, paint my room, be known as a woman that God is pleased with, know how rings are made, be in a movie, make a movie, see the Lord Jesus Christ, have clear skin, see the tallest and most fastest waterfall and stand behind it and underneath it, being able to be at a person and say the most appropriate motivational inspirational inspiration at exactly the time I wanted to say it and needed to say it for that person's benefit, scuba diving, saltwater fish tank, have a cat that I am not allergic to, fly a plane, mission trips i.e., china, write a song, my husband singe me a song that he wrote and took time to write it, get proposed to in the perfect lighting, have "musicals" all the time, break someone's arm with one twist of the hand, go to New York with Caroline dressed up in huge outfits not worried about matching at all whatsoever and go to the opera in these clothes and possibly even sing along, go to Duke, see my sister's friends get saved, to see and talk to and hang out with Justin Crawford, Lauren Seymore, Shadonna Best, and Victoria Leaven, be not here on earth when the tribulation is taking place, never have to tell someone that one of their family members had just passed away, go on a EMT expedition, jump off the highest mountain with friends, never witness a murder, able to help people at any point in time, float at least once, write a story about trees and its origin and significance, if needed-take punishment for the Lord, world changer, orphanage starter, oceanographer, poet, lover of Jesus, own a house that shelters my own bay window with cushion with a beautiful sunset in front to to gaze at and admire, be good at directions, silver Jeep Liberty with black interior and for me to write a story about that, good camp counselor, leader, organizer, angel in heaven, not perfect...only forgiven by grace, mercy, and love, and for all people to know that, holy but not as holy as the Lord since it is impossible, paint a lot, speaker, act in a play at least once, dancer, husband to take me up in a plane to see a beautiful sunset up close and personal and I say "It's gorgeous and moving!" and he says "Yes you are" and I smile and he smiles and we kiss and he takes a strand of hair that has fallen over to my eye and places it behind my ear caressing his thumb on my cheek-me doing the same to his hand that has so gently been placed on mine and both of us knowing that this is a good moment...a moment where we both realize that this is the kind of love you hope for-the kind of love that's true-that is pure and genuine-the love you never want to end, the love you realize you can't live without, love you are soo thankful for having and yet soo scared you are going to lose it...thinking that if this plane would go down it and I would go down happy, volunteer, a person that does not make fun of people accidentally nor purposely, a person who genuinely cares about one another and not only encourages them in their failures telling them they can do better next time but also rejoices for their successes, loves teddy bears, clouds, elmo, and coke and cherry ices, someone who remembers the past, takes hold of the present and prepares for the future, someone who a high school was named after and someone when walking down the street and you think of this person you smile and not frown or get angry or smile and say "she was a good person...she did some real good in this world, she was a true Christian", not conceited but have pride, humble but not pity, love and not jealousy nor lust, loves trying new things, have a start named after her, husband who will go out and buy little things for her even though its small because to the woman it will mean the world, circus in my yard, take an adventure searching the source of the light but finding out it's just a lighthouse...but what is a lighthouse?(exactly), a lighthouse to the world, writing essays and short stories for the church newsletter come to find that the Lord had used those stories and essays and poems to reach the lost and to expand God's kingdom and maybe even save your children or yourself, not a theologist but a Christian, not a downer but a helper, someone who quotes the Lord and not the devil, someone who only fights for love, is interested in everything and anything and likes to try everything (to some extent), and most importantly to adhere and believe and be faithful to everything I have written down with all my heart and soul and mind and everything that comes with that.
Who would of thought?


                                                   Crystal Whitmore

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